Lot Width Area and Yard Requirements

Important Note:

You will need to call the correct building department to find out all the restrictions for your specific lot.

Certain architectural features, such as eaves, bay windows and projectingArchitectural features, such as eaves, bay windows and projecting fireplaces, which may occupy a portion of a Building footprint, may project not more than three feet into required Front and Rear Yards, three feet into Side Yards which measure a minimum of eight feet in width, and two and one-half feet into Side Yards measuring seven and one-half feet in width. No such intrusion is permitted into Side Yards less than seven and one half feet in width.

Mechanical equipment, such as air conditioning units, pumps, heating equipment, solar panels, and similar installations, and screening and housing for such equipment, may project into the required Side Yard(s) or Rear Yard(s) but shall not be located within five feet of any Lot, and may not project into the required Front Yard(s).

Covered Patios and Covered Pools.

Rear Yard(s)

Covered Patios, Covered Pools and similar Structures, as defined in Article XII, may project into the required Rear Yard but shall not be located within ten St. Johns County Land Development Code VI-8 June 23, 2017 feet of any Lot for any Zoning District requiring a Rear Yard setback twenty feet or greater and shall not be located within five feet of any Lot for any Zoning District requiring a Rear Yard setback less than twenty feet. 

Side Yard(s)

Covered Patios, Covered Pools, and similar Structures, as defined in Article XII, may project into the required Side Yard but shall not be located within five feet of any Lot.

Through Lots

Covered Pools, and similar Structures, as defined in Article XII, may project into the required Front Yard which functions as a Rear Yard and has no access to a Street but shall not be located within ten of any Lot. For Through Lots, a Covered Patio may intrude thirteen feet into the required Front Yard which functions as a Rear Yard and has no access to a Street. In no case shall the permitted intrusion of the Covered Patio reduce the Yard provided to less than ten (10) feet.

From the St Johns County Land Development Code – Article VI June 23, 2017

Building Departments

Important Note:
The client is responsible for acquiring property restrictions from the proper building department.
You will need to call the correct building department to find out all the restrictions for your specific lot.