Are Mother-in-Law Suites Allowed in St Johns County?
The Process
I offer Accessory Family Unit Application Assistance and can help you with:
- Square footage
- Eave height of main use structure
- Eave height of AFU
- Most site plans if you can get the CAD file a recent survey
If you have already have your site plan stamped and approved for your Accessory Family Unit from the zoning department please contact me to start the design process.
St Johns County Development Review Manual Requirements for an Accessory Family Unit
St. Johns County Development Review Manual Section 38.0
Application Process
The following information must be included with each request.
A. Complete Application Form, including square footage and eave height of both main use structure and AFU under Project Description.
B. Appropriate Fee.
C. Property Owner’s Affidavit. An Accessory Family Unit is limited to Family members of the owner(s) of the main use Structure.
D. Proof property is declared as homestead by the Property Appraiser.
E. A legal description, deed, and survey of the property in question.
F. A site plan depicting elements of the Residential Site Plan Application Checklist / Requirements.
G. Additional information deemed relevant may be requested.
St Johns County Land Development Code Requirements for an Accessory Family Unit
St. Johns County Land Development Code 2.02.04.B.16
Accessory Family Unit shall be considered an allowable Accessory Use in all St. Johns County Land Development Code II-23 May 7, 2024 residential and OR zoning districts, subject to continual compliance with the following:
a. An Accessory Family Unit is limited to Family members of the owner(s) of the main use Structure which has been declared and continues to be declared as homestead by the Property Appraiser.
b. An Accessory Family Unit shall be non-rental and shall not be sold separately from the main use Structure.
c. An Accessory Family Unit shall be located on the same Lot as the main use Structure and may not be subdivided onto a separate Lot.
d. An Accessory Family Unit may not exceed the lesser of thirty five percent (35%) of the square footage of the main use Structure, up to two thousand (2,000) square feet of living quarters, except that the Accessory Family Unit may be at least eight hundred (800) square feet.
e. An Accessory Family Unit shall meet the same required Yards as the main use Structure.
f. If a Manufactured/Mobile Home is utilized as an Accessory Family Unit, the minimum Lot requirement shall be two (2) acres and shall only be allowed on the property that is properly zoned for the use of a Manufactured/Mobile Home.
g. The Accessory Family Unit shall provide adequate parking as reasonably determined by the County Administrator.
h. An Accessory Family Unit must comply with all other zoning and permitting requirements.
i. An Accessory Family Unit shall not be considered a separate Dwelling Unit for purposes of the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan provided all the above requirements are met and the Accessory Family Unit is in continual compliance. Discontinuance of the Use as an Accessory Family Unit will require compliance with all requirements of the Land Development Code and laws and regulations of the County.
j. When an Accessory Family Unit is contained within the main use Structure, it shall be constructed in such manner as to provide permanent interior
accessibility from the main use portion for the Structure.
Designing a comfortable and independent living space for your mother-in-law
Features of a Mother-in-Law Suite or Granny Flat
Several images may come to mind: an apartment over the garage, a stand-alone building in the backyard, or maybe a converted basement. Known officially as an accessory family unit (AFU), mother-in-law suites have many styles and almost as many names, including accessory apartments, guest house, carriage houses and granny flats.
One thing all AFU’s have in common though is the potential to increase the value of a home. Of course, the main reason homeowners decide to build one is to either create an opportunity for rental income or provide living accommodation for extended family members.
It’s easy to see why a homeowner would want to build an accessory dwelling unit. Elderly relatives can live near their family as they grow old and infirm. Adult children get affordable accommodation while they’re saving up for their first ‘real’ home. Tenants offer an additional income stream. These benefits often outweigh the cost of the construction, the increase in property taxes, and the necessity to comply with zoning regulations.
However, be warned. Not all types of AFU’s are allowed in all counties.
In St Johns County, Florida, accessory dwelling units are permitted, but under strict conditions. The main restriction is that you cannot rent out your mother-in-law suite on a commercial basis. So, before you draw up your multigenerational floor plan, make sure you’re familiar with the county’s building permit requirements, which I’ve set out below.
Guest House
St Johns County Land Development Code PART 12.01.00 DEFINITIONS
Guest House, Guest Quarters, or Cottage: A unit in a Building separate from and Accessory in Use and size to the main residential Building on a Lot, intended and used only for intermittent or temporary occupancy by a non-paying guest or family member. A Guest House may contain limited kitchen facilities such as microwave oven, bar sink, less than 10 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer, provided the unit is not occupied by the same tenant in excess of thirty (30) days within the same calendar year, and the unit shall not be rented. A Guest House shall not be considered a separate Dwelling Unit provided such conditions are met. A Guest House shall also meet the same required yards as the principal Building or Structure.
Building Departments
- St Johns County Planning & Zoning
(904) 209-0675 - City of St. Augustine Planning and Building Department
(904) 825-1065 - St Augustine Beach Building Department
(904) 471-8758 - St. Johns County Floodplain Manager
(904) 209-0627 - St. Johns County Land Development Code
- City of St. Augustine Planning & Building
- St. Augustine Beach Building Department
Important Note:
The client is responsible for acquiring property restrictions from the proper building department.
You will need to call the correct building department to find out all the restrictions for your specific lot.